Thursday, December 27, 2007

Focus on the Cross

How much time do you spend focusing on the cross?? Do you think about all the things Christ has done for us and the pain he endured?

Over this Christmas season I have been thinking about all the things Christ has done for me and I realized that I do not think about what he did on the cross nearly as much as I should. I mean we all know that he died for our sins but do we think about what it really meant? Jesus Christ, God Himself, became a human and faced temptation, and all the evils of this world to save us from Hell. If you have not seen the Passion of the Christ, I highly recommend it because it does the best job of showing the horror of the things Jesus went through to save my soul.

When I see the pain he went through from the whippings and beatings I cringe thinking that I am personally responsible for all the things he went through and I should have been the one being punished. Here is a site that sell replicas of the whip Christ was beaten with. It has some pictures of the whip against plexi-glass and descriptions of the power of the whip. Really good to see the destructive power of the whip.

Don't spend a ridiculous amount of time focused on the horrors of the Crucifixion but I think it is important to see in order to grasp(as much as possible) what Christ did for us.

God bless,

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Look, I pulled Jesus out of a hat!

Tia over at Abandon Image wrote a blog on 'showmen' (TV preachers) that parade the name of Jesus around like some sort of magic trick. I cannot stand how these "pastors" can suck the life out of the Gospel to such a degree that all it is useful for is praying to get rich and famous. The story of the Rich young man (Matt. 19:16-25) shows that riches are not always a blessing but can be ones downfall. Why would a person want to give people what the Bible says complicates a persons Salvation. These preachers love money not Christ. Tia also points out that we are all guilty of using the name of Jesus as a way to get what we want. I know I haven't asked for a BMW or a million dollars but I have asked for jobs to work out and such. I am learning now that rather than praying for things to go the way we want them (riches, fame, ect...), we should be praying for Gods will in situations no matter what it be. It may be that a job is lost and while searching for jobs you have to put faith in God for Him to provide. I know that sounds contrary to what a certain smiling southerner would tell you but rather than focusing on living your best life now we should focus on living our lives for Christ.

God bless,

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Some call it tolerant.... I call it Heresy

I was browsing around the net and thanks to my friend at The Fire of New Desire, I found a video about some churches in Brooklyn that have accepted Homosexuals into their churches. That seems to be the cry of many churches today in an ongoing effort to make everyone feel good while ignoring the Bible. I am sorry if I offend you (not really) but, if you didn't know already homosexuality is against the Bible and is a sin and it is utter heresy to say otherwise. People simply sweep this under the rug by saying that there are errors in the Bible. Well, there are no errors in the Bible as it is the true, inspired word of God. There is no other book like It (sorry Islam, ect.) and we need no other book than It (sorry Mormons). If you are in a church that says there is nothing wrong with homosexuality, RUN FAR, FAR AWAY!!!!!

Homosexuality is a sin like lying, stealing and such. With repentance (asking for forgiveness and turning away from your sin) and trust in Christ a person who is in sin through homosexuality can be forgiven just like a thief and lier can be forgiven.

It is not tolerant to tell homosexuals that it is ok. I am told all the time that I hate gay people because I say that what they do is wrong but in reality, the people that let them sin are the ones that hate homosexuals. I love gay people enough to be ridiculed and to stand up to save them.

If you think that homosexuality is ok, it is time to think and pray really hard be cause you my friend, are sinning and helping others do so. show that you really love gay people by standing up and helping bring them out of sin.

God bless,

Merry Chirstmas and some info

Merry Christmas to all my readers!!!

In the hustle and bustle of our consumer driven culture it is important to remember that Christmas is about Christ. Not only his birth but his death as well. Watch this video, it is very good and tells the true meaning of Christmas.

God bless,

PS. quick info update, I will be switching blog services shortly and have purchased my own domain name..... so be on the look out for a new page and some exciting new content. Those who are subscribed to my RSS feed will need to change some things.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Abortion is murder?

I recently read a news article on a man that has been arrested for murder of an unborn child after slipping his lover a birth control pill in her drink and causing two miscarriages. The actual charge is called "attempted first-degree intentional homicide of an unborn child"...... I find it amusing in a sick sort of way that this man is being sent to prison for what the state says is a womans right. Its just a mass of cells according to them.

This just drives me nuts! Why is it that if a man causes the baby to die its murder but its not of the mother does.... its her right as a woman. NEWS FLASH...... its still murder either way you slice it. If the mother has an abortion, Its murder and if someone else causes the baby to die, its murder as well.

I am not going to hold back any punches. If I offended you by saying that abortion is murder then.... I am not sorry because it is so deal with it. People need to make up their mind, you cannot choose whether a baby is human or not when it is convenient to you. When is this gonna end?

God bless,

PURITY: Fully Clothed!: A poem

This is a really sweet poem I read on a site dedicated to purity..... its written by two teen girls who are on a mission to change their generation for Christ. click the link to check it out

God bless,
PS more blogs on the way tomorrow

PURITY: Fully Clothed!: A poem

So last night I was watching Lord of the Rings and a line in the movie wouldn't stop going through my head and I ended up writing a poem. This poem has nothing to do with purity, at least not to me, but I felt I needed to share it.

Don't go were I can't follow,
Please don't leave me here alone.
All I want is to hear you again
To feel your touch
And to see you for the first time.
I need you here to guide me through my darkness.
To help me through my confusion.

I need you
The reasons are clear as black is white.
Will you still accept my ruined soul?

Don't go were I can't follow.
I don't want to be lonely anymore.
My eyes are blind,
To what you have in store.
I know I try to walk away from you
Which hammers your limbs once again.
Unfortunately nothing will take away the pain I've caused.

Don't go were I can't follow.
Please don't leave me behind.
I'm here begging for your forgiveness
Even though I don't deserve it.

So after I wrote this I read it over to see if it has anything to do with
purity and I figured out it does. The first thing I realized is that many people when reading this would automatically think I was talking about a guy. Which this poem is not about a guy, it is about God. From this I noticed that many people in this generation, mainly girls turn everything into something about a guy. But this is the opposite of what God wants us to do. God doesn't want us to be like this, he wants our number one priority to be him. To me learning this is a big key to staying pure, because we have to get our minds off the world's perspective of love and keep our minds on God's path.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Do I have to say it again? Mormons are not Christian!

I previously wrote a blog called: "Don't Let Politics take Higher importance than Christ" in which I stated some reasons why Mormons are not Christians. Christian Post wrote about Romney's recent speech about Mormonism and as usual, I just had to comment. Here are all the comments:

"Along with many Christian evangelicals, the Southern Baptist Convention does not consider Mormonism to be part of historic orthodox Christianity." Neither do Mormons. Mormons believe Jesus is the Christ and worship him. We don't claim to be like the historic Christians because of theological differences. We never have. But we are Christians. Our worship of Christ makes us so. Historic Christians claim to be the sole authority on who is and who isn't. They say real Christians must not only worship Christ they must adhere to a 4th century notions of the nature of God. Mormons disagree. So, after the agreement about Jesus being the son of God, we pretty much separate on a lot things. I could go into details of other things but won't. But we generally agree on other values.


If I take a box of Kleenex and call it Jesus does it mean I am a Christian?? just because you call you your god Jesus does not mean he is the same as Christianity. You are not Christian. Christ never changes (see Hebrews 13:8) therefore the original thoughts on God are still for today.

"after the agreement about Jesus being the son of God, we pretty much separate on a lot things" you and I don't even agree on that! you believe that Jesus is a created being while I believe that Christ is God in the flesh and is 100% God and 100% man and 1 of 3 parts of the Trinity.

Just because you claim to be a Christian does not mean you are:

Matthew 24:24 For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect—if that were possible.

2 Peter 2:1
But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them—bringing swift destruction on themselves.

God bless,

What could Romney have said more that would not bury him in a never-ending discussion of his religion, rather than the issues he needs to address as a candidate for the U.S. Presidency? Mr Bennett, a good Catholic that you are (other than on gambling), what did you want to hear that Governor Romney could have said AND still remain a viable candidate for president?

Why is it that the founders forbad a "religious test" in the Constitution, but anti-Mormons think to circumvent this with a "religious test' of one's voting Constituency? Apparently, either the pundits think the constitution is wrong, or they simply want to get Mitt mired in an eternally endless discussion of where and what in Mormonism differs in and from 'traditional Christianity'.

Entering such a discussion for a candidate for this office amounts to a "religious test". Are you all for pharisaically forcing the issue? You don't want to really know about "Mormonism". You rather want to embarass and embroil Matt Romney in a protracted back-and-forth explanation of teachings and practices (current and past) of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints to make Mitt and Mormonism look heretical, weird and wrong.

What did Mitt (or, for that matter, what does 'Mormonism') say about Jesus Christ that conflicts with the Bible?
Answer me on this, and I will answer you!

How can Jesus Christ be "the Savior of Mankind" and not have been fully God and fully man? How can anyone except God Himself be suficient in redeeming the sins of the world?


The difference between the Christ of the Bible and the Jesus of LDS church is that while The bible says that God and Christ are Eternal the LDS church states that both are created beings and that god was like man is at one point and mankind can become like god. Did I answer your question??

God bless,
please feel free to add your comments and I will add any other comments posted on Christian Post on here.

God bless,

Monday, December 3, 2007

The Room: by Joshua Harris : get ready to be convicted

The Rebelution: The Room: by Joshua Harris

I was recently sent this article: it is really worth the read. Here is the entire article (I provided the link for informational purposes):

The Room: by Joshua Harris

The Room

May the beauty of salvation embrace you, may your need for Christ capture you, and may the power of the Cross overwhelm you. For information on the authorship of “The Room” please click here. To download PDF, click here.

In that place between wakefulness and dreams, I found myself in the room. There were no distinguishing features save for the mysterious array of black filing cabinets. They were like the ones in libraries that list titles by author or subject in alphabetical order. But these files, which stretched from floor to ceiling and seemingly endlessly in either direction, had very different headings. As I drew near the wall of files, the first to catch my attention was one that read “Girls I Have Liked.” I opened it and began flipping through the cards. I quickly shut it, shocked to realize that I recognized the names written on each one.

And then without being told, I knew exactly where I was. This lifeless room with its small files was a crude catalog system for my life. Here were written the actions of my every moment, big and small, in a detail my memory couldn’t match.

A sense of wonder and curiosity, coupled with horror, stirred within me as I began randomly opening files and exploring their content. Some brought joy and sweet memories; others a sense of shame and regret so intense that I would look over my shoulder to see if anyone was watching. A file named “Friends” was next to one marked “Friends I Have Betrayed.”

The titles ranged from the mundane to the outright weird. “Books I Have Read,” “Lies I Have Told,” “Comfort I Have Given,” “Jokes I Have Laughed At.” Some were almost hilarious in their exactness: “Things I’ve Yelled at My Brothers.” Others I couldn’t laugh at: “Things I Have Done in My Anger,” “Things I Have Muttered Under My Breath at My Parents.” I never ceased to be surprised by the contents. Often there were many more cards than I expected. Sometimes fewer than I hoped.

I was overwhelmed by the sheer volume of the life I had lived. Could it be possible that I had the time in my 20 years to write each of these thousands or even millions of cards? But each card confirmed this truth. Each was written in my own handwriting. Each signed with my signature.

When I pulled out the file marked “Songs I Have Listened To,” I realized the files grew to contain their contents. The cards were packed tightly, and yet after two or three yards, I hadn’t found the end of the file. I shut it, shamed, not so much by the quality of music, but more by the vast amount of time I knew that file represented.

When I came to a file marked “Lust,” I felt a chill run through my body. I pulled the file out only an inch, not willing to test its size, and drew out a card. I shuddered at its detailed content. I felt sick to think that such a moment had been recorded.

An almost animal rage broke on me. One thought dominated my mind: “No one must ever see these cards! No one must ever see this room! I have to destroy them!” In an insane frenzy I yanked the file out. Its size didn’t matter now. I had to empty it and burn the cards. But as I took it at one end and began pounding it on the floor, I could not dislodge a single card. I became desperate and pulled out a card, only to find it as strong as steel when I tried to tear it

Defeated and utterly helpless, I returned the file to its slot. Leaning my forehead against the wall, I let out a long, self-pitying sigh. And then I saw it. The title bore “People I Have Shared the Gospel With.” The handle was brighter than those around it, newer, almost unused. I pulled on its handle and a small box not more than three inches long fell into my hands. I could count the cards it contained on one hand.

And then the tears came. I began to weep. Sobs so deep that they hurt started in my stomach and shook through me. I fell on my knees and cried. I cried out of shame, from the overwhelming shame of it all. The rows of file shelves swirled in my tear-filled eyes. No one must ever, ever know of this room. I must lock it up and hide the key.

But then as I pushed away the tears, I saw Him. No, please not Him. Not here. Oh, anyone but Jesus.

I watched helplessly as He began to open the files and read the cards. I couldn’t bear to watch His response. And in the moments I could bring myself to look at His face, I saw a sorrow deeper than my own. He seemed to intuitively go to the worst boxes. Why did He have to read every one?

Finally He turned and looked at me from across the room. He looked at me with pity in His eyes. But this was a pity that didn’t anger me. I dropped my head, covered my face with my hands and began to cry again. He walked over and put His arm around me. He could have said so many things. But He didn’t say a word. He just cried with me.

Then He got up and walked back to the wall of files. Starting at one end of the room, He took out a file and, one by one, began to sign His name over mine on each card.

“No!” I shouted rushing to Him. All I could find to say was “No, no,” as I pulled the card from Him. His name shouldn’t be on these cards. But there it was, written in red so rich, so dark, so alive. The name of Jesus covered mine. It was written with His blood.

He gently took the card back. He smiled a sad smile and began to sign the cards. I don’t think I’ll ever understand how He did it so quickly, but the next instant it seemed I heard Him close the last file and walk back to my side. He placed His hand on my shoulder and said, “It is finished.”

I stood up, and He led me out of the room. There was no lock on its door. There were still cards to be written.

By Joshua Harris. Orginally published in New Attitude Magazine © Copyright New Attitude 1995. You have permission to reprint this in any form. We only ask that you include the appropriate copyright byline. To download PDF version, click here.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

The "Christianity" of Hollywood

Here are some comments I have posted on the Christian post and the comments of others responding to me: here is the article

here are the comments: check back because I will post futher responses in the comments of this post:

I think this made Christianity worse in peoples eyes. Underwood and Washington have lives that somewhat follow the faith (I am not judging their Christianity) but the other two: Montag, who openly sleeps with her boyfriend, gets trashed at clubs and Madden who, is having a baby with his girlfriend which is fornication (not repentent might I add). I like how the article comes from the highly thological US weekly. This is annoying

I am excited to read that Montag and Madden are seeking God. I am also thankful that they are in God's hands and not in the hands of so many moralists that post here. I am praying that wherever they are in their relationship with God He will honor their searching and draw them closer to Him. I will also pray that we as Christians will be less condemning and more excited when we read about people seeking truth.

mcfbc, the post doesnt say they are seeking, it says they found God. I can understand if the two came out saying 'the lifestyle I am living has been wrong and I repent and put my faith in Christ' instead they just claim they believe and read the bible. Remember James 2:19(paraphrase) You believe in God, good. Even the demons believe and trembile. and according to scripture (matthew 3 I believe) when Satan tempts Christ HE USES SCRIPTURE which means he must have read it.just because I read a book about plants doesnt make me a tree so just because they read the Bible it doesn't make them a Christian!
God bless,

God has us all in different places. I am thankful that He has revealed the truth of the gospel to you and me. I agree reading the Bible doesn't make one a Christian. However, I am hopeful that through their reading God will reveal his grace to them. We have all been at places where we have been ignorant of God's ways, both as believer and non-believers. Yet God showed much mercy to each of us. Instead of condemning them for their ignorance, we need to be praying that God's grace woud be revealed in their lives.

I hope you do not misunderstand me, I in no way am condeming them but what frustraights me is that US weekly has published this and it makes it out to be ok to do all the forementioned things they are doing. thats what bothers me not the fact that they say they are reading the bible.
God bless,

1st...I here reading the bible but what about the "Word' in motion? Where is the salvation and if we are believers it is our reasonable service to show God in all we do. I pray that their faith increases. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing the Word of God.James 1:22 (King James Version)But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.2nd... When we state that we as believers read the bible but live contrary to the bible are we really believers or "carnal Christians". Carnality is an emnity against GodRomans 8:7 (kjv)Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.James 1:22-25 (New International Version)22Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. 23Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror 24and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. 25But the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it—he will be blessed in what he does.

Listen up guys! Stop bible quoting because you are essentially being argumentative and counterproductive to the will of the Holy Spirit. Given the influence that hollywood has on the lives of millions of people, we need to SUPPORT any indications that the Holy Spirit of God is growing in it's presence even in Hollywood (the last place on earth that you might think that this kind of miracle could happen). Encourage those who would be first to blaze the path for Christ in Hollywood - let them know that they have our prayers and support! All of sinned and fall short...and are a work in progress...let's be careful not to cast any stones on our imperfect brothers and sisters in Christ, but encourage them all the more as we see the day approaching...

We shouldn't be bashing others for reading the Word, when nearly 65% of all Bible readers have never read the entire New Testament. Thank God for His Word. It has the power to change the hearts and lives of many. Some of these Hollywood stars are role models for others, and might spur others to begin to read or listen to His Word. Since most of us say we don't have time to read the Bible, then there are other solutions, like downloading a free Audio Bible. I got mine at or you can find it on iTunes.

It's so easy to judge another person. It's also destructive when you don't know everything but God does. I'm really encouraged to hear that despite just talking about their faiths in an article here and there, some of them are doing something. I haven't heard all of The Bible Experience with Denzel Washington but from what I've heard of it, I really think it's an awesome project. That's another great audiobible besides the ones that come from Faith Comes By Hearing. The Bible Experience uses the TNIV.

faithcomesbyhearing, "Some of these Hollywood stars are role models for others, and might spur others to begin to read or listen to His Word" I understand that but if they are looking at the Bible as a way to be cool like the Hollywood stars and not reading it because it is the 100% true and innerrant word of God the scripture can be taken and twisted and thats not good. Someone reading a Bibile isnt always a good thing, sometimes they use it to build an attack on Christianity or twist it into a totaly different and wrong idea (ie Brian McClaren and other emergents that have twisted scripture beyond all recognisability). Agian I am not saying that these people are wrong for reading the Bible I am however, angered at the US weekly article because it makes it look like if you read your Bible your ok. FALSE!!! if you don't repent and put your faith in Christ you can read the Bible all you want and your still going to hell (and contrary to Doug Pagitt hell is a verry real place)
God bless,

Feel free to leave your thoughts and comments on this topic
God bless,

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Christians are not Allowed to Laugh!!

You may have read my post called "Shut your mouth and do something" and now I have a perfect example that has gotten me a little miffed.

One of the blogs I read today was about a christian comedy night at a church and the blogger made the night alone sound as if it was a horrible thing to do.

Why is a christian comedy night wrong?? the author doesn't even give a reason, rather she just brings in the personal lives of the national pastors (who are not hosting the night). Just because you are to uptight to laugh and would never do this at your church does not mean that someone who does is a heretic.

Have conservative Christians (which I am) become so afraid of the emergent movement that anything that is "hip" or dare I say entertaining is considered heresy. as far as the emergent movement is concerned, I don't see a problem with some of the things the emergent church does (ie the use of technology). What I do disagree with in the emergent movement is the total rehashing of theology.

And we wonder why my generation says the church is boring... something as simple as a comedy night (which is not in place of an actual service I think) should not become a point for rude, opinionated, self-righteous bloggers to complain about and if you do at least give me a reason why not spew person attacks!

Look at the article and what the video on the night and tell me if I missed it. As you can tell I am fairly annoyed and would lick to know what other people think.

God bless,

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Crazy abortion debate

For those of you that listened to the show today, thank you. As most of you know I have a internet radio show and this week we had two guests on, one was Don Nelson from Nevada Life and the other was James Louallen from The Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice (sounds like an oxymoron to me). Well saying that the debate got a little heated is a HUGE understatement! The show ended with Mr. Louallen hanging up on us.... I loved every minute of it! Listen to it at its episode 12 (should be featured). Once you have heard it feel free to leave your thoughts on it here or you can email me at

I was way nervous about the show because it was my show this week. I did everything from set the topic to arrange the guests and compile the questions. It took forever to find a pro-choice advocate to come on the show (I had two others tell me no and one of them said I was anti-rights-freedom) once I found the RCRC I was really hoping they would get someone on because I cant comprehend how someone who claims to be Christian can be for abortion. When I contacted them, I was sent an email that said in order to get some one on the show I had to agree to follow four "guidelines":
1. Speakers are not interupted
2. if a debate arises it is civil
3. at no time will we be accused of murder
4. use respectful terms: we are "pro-choice" not "pro-abortion"

right out of the guest when my pro life advocate got on he called them pro-abortion and then the person from the RCRC interrupted him soon after so 2 of the 4 rules were broken by both parties in less than one minute of them being on the show together! (it was kinda exciting but I was afraid the pro-choice advocate was gonna hang up on me). within the first 10 to 15 minutes all four rules were broken and they both stated getting fairly personal ....Mr. Louallen called Mr. Nelson a liar and an idiot I believe and Mr. Nelson said that Mr. Louallen was a joke and was good at throwing up dust (the dust comment wasn't very far from the truth). Overall it was an awesome show and I learned a lot about what some members of the pro-choice side believe. There is so much that happened in the show that if I tried to write it all down this would be one crazy long blog!! (Mr. Louallen quoted scripture than when we quoted it he said he didn't take the scripture literally AHH!)

So you should all listen to the show and let me know what you think. I enjoyed it for sure! Again, the shows site is and if you would rather call in and leave a voicemail for our show (24 hrs.) than email ( you can do so by calling 775-908-4365

God bless,

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Views on the church from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

In my English class we had to read "Letter from Birmingham Jail" and he wrote this about the modern church: "There was a time when the church was very powerful... Things are different now. So often the contemporary church is a weak, ineffectual voice with an uncertain sound. So often it is an archdefender (sic) of the status quo. Far from being disturbed by the presence of the church, the power structure of the average community is consoled by the church's silent - and often even vocal - sanction of things as they are. If today's church does not recapture the sacrificial spirit of the early church, it will lose its authenticity, forfeit the loyalty of millions, and be dismissed as an irrelevant social club with no meaning for the twentieth century. Every day I meet young people whose disappointment with the church has turned into outright disgust."

This was written in the 60s and it is probably one of the best descriptions of the church as it currently is. Rather than being a driving force, the church has moved to something for young adults to be mad about and a place for adults to come for what I call fire insurance (I'm not really a Christian but I go to church... just in case). There are some good, spirit-filled churches but the most popular churches in America are seeker-friendly or even what is called emergent (lets rethink everything including heaven, hell and everything else). its interesting to think that 40 some odd years ago Dr. King said all that about the church and now its all falling into place. Dr. King is famous for a lot of things but unfortunately his thoughts on the church are not one of them.

God bless,

Monday, November 5, 2007

What's your Idol?

This is a song from 10:31 sermon jams ( with Mark Driscoll.

Its very intriging to see what people in other countrys think about America.

listen to the clip and let me know what you think about the clip

God bless,

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Shut your mouth, do somthing about it!

I read multiple blogs and news stories on a daily basis to prepare for my show and some of them are Christian blogs and others are not. What I find ironic is that the Christian blogs tend to be the ones that are the most negative. Many of these blogs point out whats wrong with the modern church yet they fail to mention what should be done about it. These blog writers spend all this time flinging mud rather than getting off their rears and actually doing something about whatever their particular grief is. Now, I know that I can be somewhat negative on this blog about some of the stuff going on with the American church but in my defense I am also attempting to do something about the way the church is going in this country.

Another grief I have with some of these blogs is that they seem to believe that their denomination of Christianity is the only write one. This is simply not true. The fact of the matter is that all one needs to be born again is realizing that they are a disgusting individual and destined for hell, fall on their face and repent for their sins (not only ask forgiveness but turn from sins) and have faith and trust in Jesus Christ. From what I have seen, there are born again believers in every denomination (there are also wackos in most denominations). These bloggers act like everything that their denomination doesn't believe is utter heresy. I know that there are some heretics out there but I don't believe that you can call people such as Joel Osteen a heretic but i do believe he is an individual that is missing the point by not sharing the gospel. The best course of action in cases such as Joel Osteen would be prayer that he will become convicted for not sharing the gospel with the millions that watch him and that he will begin to share the glory of the gospel.

My point in all of this is that it is important for people to know about the "different" (good and bad) things happening in the American church but most bloggers focus only on the negative as well as just criticizing and not offering any opinion on how to fix it. If every person that blogged about the American church and its downfalls were to get off their butts, get on the streets and do something to counter what they see wrong rather than just throwing mud at each other it may be possible to bring Christianity back to the old way and not to this emergent way(I mean in their beliefs not their use of technology).

As far as the ministry I am involved with, we are not only commenting on the things we see that are good and bad but we are also taking what we say and put it to practice. If we don't like that the Gospel is not being preached, we go preach it.

My charge to you then, is if you see something you don't like in the church don't just sit there and say that its wrong but offer your suggestion on how to improve it and if possible take action to put that suggestion into practice.

God bless,

P.S. I love to hear any of your suggestions and comments for me or even stuff in the American Church.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Great night!!

So tonight was the harvest party and it went off without a hitch!! It was fabulous. Everything went well and I have faith that the drama touched some people and that they will read the Gospels we gave them at the end. One of my co-workers came with her kids so they got to hear the gospel too.
All I have to say is Praise God

Goodnight and God bless,

P.S. real post to come tomorrow!!!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Hey guys,

sorry I havnt posted in a few days... I am helping my girlfriend in organizing a harvest party for our hurch as well as I am spending alot of my free time working on my sermon that I am preaching in 3 weeks (its gonna be cool)

While your waitng for more posts feel free to leave me some love on some of my older posts (comments, complaints, insults I'll take it all). Also, Dont forget to check out my radio show and listen to the podcasts.

If you want to email me with any questions or somthing you would like me to post feel free to email me:

God bless,

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


On Sunday night, my youth pastors wife Melissa preached a sermon on humility and at the end of it she had set up a foot washing ceremony for the leaders (thats me) to wash the feet of the youth as a demonstration of humility for both parties. I knew of the ceremony before that night and was not very worried about it but when it came down to it the first person that came to my station was someone that I had a problem with and thought it was over.... NOT. Every ounce of pride I had swelled up and in my mind I said ' I am not washing his feet!'. I took her message to heart so i began to wash his feet and prayed all the while... such an awesome and humbling experience. it got even more humbling when one of the other leaders washed my feet! I thought doing the washing was hard it was even harder to be the one getting your feet washed. it all makes sense now cuz in the Bible peater become completely humbled once he allows Jesus to wash his feet. If this seems weird to you look it up in the Bible... I believe its in John (someone correct me if I am wrong)

God bless,

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Cool stuff!

Sorry I haven't gotten to posting anything in a few days.

There are these two girls that I work with that I have been trying to find a time to wittiness to. This week Joey and I finally had a chance to talk to them!! we walk every morning on our break and one of them asked if we had a special diet our religion had to stick to. we told them no and somehow found a way to preach the gospel to them. Later that day we were able to give them both a gospel of John. It was way cool. We have been trying for a long, long time to talk to them.

well, I realize it wasn't much but this is what I got

God bless,

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Don't let politics take higher imprtaince than Christ

I recently read an article called Why Some Evangelicals Won't Vote for Romney I read comments posted about the article and it led me to post a response on the site this is what I wrote:

Bill Keller is 100% correct!To PreacherAz:we as born again Christians have MUCH to be worried about. not only will mormanism be legitimized but by these evangelical leaders backing a morman we are confirming the worlds assumption and the Mormans attempt to say that they are just another form of Christianity. If this becomes the common belief I believe there will be a mass move to mormanism and it will no longer be considered a cult but become a legitimate religion. Normally, it would not matter if a religion was no longer considered a cult but the morman cult has already been such a powerful force in its cult state so imagine how much faster it would grow in the world if evangelical leaders send out the message that it is a legitimate religion rather than the false doctrine meant to deceive and blind millions that it actually is. If you want to follow the thought that we should vote for whoever could beat hillary you should vote for gulianni (I do not endorse him, I think he would be just as terrible as a democrat)I agree with the fact that every Christian that votes for romney is responsible for every person that is deceived by Mormanism due to its legitimization. You may have the right to vote for romney and you may know that mormanism is a cult but there are many who do not

1 Corinthians 8: 9- 13:9:

Be careful, however, that the exercise of your freedom does not become a stumbling block to the weak. 10For if anyone with a weak conscience sees you who have this knowledge eating in an idol's temple, won't he be emboldened to eat what has been sacrificed to idols? 11So this weak brother, for whom Christ died, is destroyed by your knowledge. 12When you sin against your brothers in this way and wound their weak conscience, you sin against Christ. 13Therefore, if what I eat causes my brother to fall into sin, I will never eat meat again, so that I will not cause him to fall.>

Woe be the one that causes souls to burn in hell all because they like the politics of a high priest in a Cult and let it outweigh the truth of the Gospel

Anthony Mendoza

If you have an opinion on this please feel free to comment and I will respond back to you on it also read the comments others posted on the topic to see some of the tings I referenced

God bless,


Monday, October 15, 2007

There is no "I" in God

This has been on my heart for a while now but it wasn't until just now that I found the words I was looking for:

I listen to a Christian radio show all the time and they always play clips of these emergent people always talking about the way God makes them feel and its always "I feel that God...." and "I think that God...". Talk like this always bothers me but i wasn't sure why. I finally figured it out! A good rule of thumb in my opinion is that as soon as you hear "I fell God...." or "I think God..." it should be a good indicator to be weary of what is about to be said. Nowhere in the Bible does it say to take the word of God and tailor it to your emotions. The question should never be what I think God is or God makes me fell like it should be what does the word of God say and what is God speaking to me through His word. now don't get me wrong, I am not saying that you can't ever have an opinion about the things of God but as soon as you start having an opinion about what God is and if you let that take precedence of what the word says He is you are in a sticky situation!

This is just my word of caution to every one to be on the look out for theology's like this where they let their emotions (part of the flesh) run things rather than having faith and looking to God and His word for the truth and guidance.

Good night and God bless,

Friday, October 12, 2007

Pics from Cornerstone California

I have all the pics from Cornerstone and am working on loading them (I have 170 of em) I am probably gonna put them up on picasa or somthing of the sort and give you the link but stay tuned!! I am going to have a blog up soon i am kinda in a rut so i will get one up soon I promise

while your waiting for my blogs click on the blogrush links and take a look at some of the cool blogs out on the web


Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Don't give up!

At work today I was talking to one of the girls and I mentioned that I was going to school so i could become the head of whatever business I end up doing. Her reply was that there was no way this could happen because I had tried something previously and it wasn't working out so hot. At first i brushed it off but then I started thinking about it... what a crazy way to think about things! I did a little research and I found out that Thomas Edison tried some 15,000 different materials for the light bulb until they found the right one. Can you imagine what would have happened if they gave up after the first try? I would be in the dark right now and we would be in a completely different world (think of all the things we use light for).

People always say 'If at first you don't succeed, try and try again' that's at least half true because you should never give up on a dream (unless told so by Godly counsel but that's a different subject that I don't even want to dive into) but in choosing to try again in again learn from each time you fail and change something in what you did and keep changing until you finally you fulfill your dream. (even if it take 15,000 tries)

God bless,

Monday, October 8, 2007


When I began this blog I wanted to do somthing different and not be like every other dumb kid with a blog that whines about life.... but here is one of the few blogs I am going to write about my life:

I have been out of high school for about a year and a half and since then I think I have talked to 3 maybe 4 friends from school. I had the type of friends that would hang out with you at school but not outside of it. I only had a few I actually hung out with. I figured it wouldn't bother me because I have never had a ton of friends (as far as school.... still have church friends) but anyways there is this one friend that i have tried really hard to stay friends with and for some reason the feelings don't seem to reciprocate. She has lost most of her friends as well but for some reason even though I attempt to find time to hang out she dosnt really seem interested. I don't understand why you would not want to keep the friends that are still interested in hanging out,

well thanks for being part of my venting (at least it has nothing to do with Cornerstone lol)

God bless and goodnight,

Friday, October 5, 2007

A reward for you!!

So I thought as a reward for you guys sticking it out through my four blogs on the weekend I would let you guys be the FIRST to know about a super huge announcement for my radio show

Ryan Clark of Demon Hunter is going to be on the show Sunday October 21st at 3pm!!! and he will be taking some calls... so get those questions ready. If you have one that you really want answered email me and I will add it to the ones I am gonna ask. please make the subject something along the lines of DH (demon hunter) interview questions

so be sure to listen to our show then as well as every Sunday at 3pm Pacific time and call in (646)-7160-8880

Cornerstone California PT 4

sorry about the late post I am sure you guys are ready for me to be done with Cornerstone and move on to my normal topics. Here is the last installment of my weekend at cornerstone Ca.

So after watching Death is not welcome here I walked around and talked to vendors. there were some really cool booths there. there was one lady that did what i call Christian abstract art. It was like a bunch of abstract style dots and then in the right third of the canvas she painted a picture of Jesus with the crown of thorns it was way cool! I ran over and watched this band Showbread play, I had never seen or heard of them before but let me tell you they were freaking amazing... so much energy and one of the guys who plays one of the keyboard/guitar type things was throwing the thing around and dancing all crazy it was way cool. The lead singer had green makeup on his eyes and on the sides of his face... it was kinda weird at first but their music was great! After their show i went up to the lead singer and introduced myself, I told him that I had never heard of the band before and I was defiantly going to have to buy their CD because they had a phenomenal show. He said thank you and I asked him if the band would be willing to do an interview with me later that nigh. He said sure no problem and told me to find the band later after they had loaded their equipment and changed. I ate dinner to the soundtrack of Falling up.. they were pretty good but I was really hungry. at dinner, I sat next to the lead singer of Anberlin and had no idea (I had never seen him before). after dinner I went and watched Project 86 play for a few minutes (good but not as much energy as i had been accustomed to for the day) I ran back over to the VIP dinner area where a majority of Showbread was and once they finished eating conducted my final interview of the night. At first I was weary of asking them my questions because I thought I was going to get some crazy answers but they were actually well educated in the Bible and Josh th lead singer had a great sense of humor and had no problem saying what he believed (again, you must listen to the show to hear the interviews). Once finished with the interview i went and watched Anberlin play (good but a little too soft for my tastes but got some decent pictures) it was only then did I realize that during dinner I had sat next to the lead singer (felt retarded!) A little more than half way through their set I ran over to the other stage to claim my spot in the press area for Underoath. There were so many camera people over there waiting to take pictures of the band (everyone but the drummer hid in their bus all day so i did not get to meet them) :( After getting hassled by security who was checking our press passes, we were told that after three song press would have to leave the area. I thought it was dumb but according to a woman that does concert pictures for a living, she said that most big bands limit press to three songs for pictures. the band came out and let me tell you they were so good (I personally liked Demon Hunter better but both shows rocked.) I was so close to the stage the lead singer hit may camera with his hair (so cool!!) Once our three songs were up I dropped my stuff off at a merch booth that I had made friends with the staff and then ran into the mosh pit. Underoath put on such an amazing show I was so excited that I got to see them. as soon as their set was over I ran back stage to see if I could meet them but the stupid event staff had added another berrier so not even the VIPs could get back to see the band and they ran back to their bus (I was kinda mad).

Well, overall i had the time of my life! Saw some of the best shows ever, meet some awesome people and got to interview some cool bands and spent way to much $$ on T-shirts (got some real cool ones... might have to blog about those later) I would have to say it was an utter success. I am hoping that next year the lineup is just as cool and that the radio show will be big enough for me to get my own booth or at least a quiet area to interview bands. next year I am also looking for people to come down with me!

so thats it for my long weekend at Cornerstone California... thanks so much for putting up with my rambling and be sure to leave some comment love


Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Cornerstone California PT 3

On Saturday I took the back way and headed to the event. about 3 cars past me and I was kinda bummed that no one offered a ride but right after they past a vendor stopped and picked me up.
I walked around and talked to a lot of the vendors.... some of them remembered me and asked about my camping experience. I also talked to vendors about why i was down there and some of them gave me their cards and said they would love to call in and do an interview. Transistor radio was the first band to play and they were really good. after they played I went and confirmed all my interviews for they day. Come to find out Dakota Motor Co. didn't show because of a scheduling conflict so that was one interview down. I ran over to the stage to see Redcloud, a Cristian hardcore rapper he put on a really good show... I don't usually like those type of shows but he was really good and his DJs were cool to watch and with my press pass I got to walk up on stage to take pictures of the DJs.... it was way cool. At 1 I had an interview with Transistor radio. they were really cool guys. We sat down at some picnic tables and had the interview. After, the guys said that I asked some of the toughest questions they have ever gotten in a interview and that they thought it was awesome that I had the guts to ask the questions that really matter and didn't dance around them. I have to say that made me feel really good. As soon as i got done with that interview i had to run and do an interview with Redcloud he was pretty cool nice guy (gotta listen in to the show for anything on the interview tho). I was so stretched for time that i had to run over to the stage to catch Here I Come Falling (one of my interviews) they are a hardcore scream band and it was an amazing show... so much energy and they had taped signs on the back of their guitars, one said 'hi mom' it was pretty funny. as soon as they were done I ran to the merch tent and interviewed 2 members of the British band Death Is Not Welcome Here. They were nice guys but it was kinda hard to understand them with their accents (you will see what I mean when I play the interview). I had just enough time to eat lunch then ran over and interviewed Here I Come Falling. These guys were your typical emo looking guys but they were really nice and had good answers. I had some down time so I had a chance to get a funnel cake.... YUM! I then went and watched Death is Not Welcome Here play they were cool too (some sweet mic throwing).

I think my blog is long enough for this installment (i told you it was a busy weekend) I will get on tomorrow (Thursday) or Friday and finish up everything that happened that weekend (I hope)


Cornerstone California PT 2

So I told you i would get on and write about the rest of my day Friday so here it goes:

After my sweet turn in the day of meeting Demon Hunter I walked around looking at the few booths that were up (the even still didn't start for like 2 hours) I pretty much did nothing until the shows got under way. The first band was Fireflight and let me say they were amazing. The lead singer was sick but she still had a beautiful voice and they had a lot of energy. Wavorly played after them.. they were decent. Then next band that played was Seventh Day Slumber... they were ok but the main reason I bring them up is that the lead singer shared the gospel in the most awesome way I have seen. He read letters sent to the band and shared his testimony then he shared the Gospel.... I am talking the full Gospel not some God shaped hole in your heart deal it was sweet. At 5:30 i interviewed Fireflight for the radio show I asked some really hard questions but you will have to listen in once i get the interviews all edited I don't want to spoil it. the band was very nice and they made my first interview really easy. during the interview i missed Dizmas and Disciple (I was way bummed about missing Disciple) but i did hear them and they sounded good. Emery played they were pretty cool. Then came the two shows I was really looking forward to. Thousand Foot Krutch played and they were sooo good. I have seen them before but they were even better. the mosh pit was pretty sweet too. If you have heard our show you know that i said you cant worship to rock music but i saw something and experienced something really cool. TFK has a song called breathe you in and the words are very worship like but I never really thought about it. They played that song and the lead singer was raising his hands and the whole place was no longer focusing on the band but on God. The entire mosh pit stopped and sat down and bowed their heads and raised their hands..... it was crazy! so of course no surprise my highlight of the night was Demon Hunter and because I had a press pass I got to stand right in front of the stage with all the photographers and I took like 70 pics and a lot of videos (on the way). I wasn't in the pit but i was rockin out with the lead singer and the bassist I was freaking out.... it was so awesome!!! that was the last big band to play but there were some small ones that played so I hung around and at 12 didn't want to walk back to the campsite so i hitched a ride..... overall the day was crazy! it started bad but I had the time of my life.

Saturday to come tomorrow (Wednesday) or Thursday at the latest. I have so much to write about that its defiantly gonna be at least 2 more blogs. ( I will probably write another one on all the cool companies I found while I was there)


PS click on the blogrush widget on the side so other people can view my blog through the blogrush ads

Monday, October 1, 2007

My awesome weekend at cornerstone California!

Cornerstone California was crazy!! I have so much to talk about that this may be two blogs (my visits have been dwindling so hopefully multiple posts will increase it) So I got into the air port in La and got my bags without a problem and headed to the taxi bay cuz thats the only way I had to get to the show. The cab driver had no idea where Irvine lake was and the only address I had was to the event and not the cap ground so he headed there. I got to the venue at like 930 and the gates weren't supposed to open till 2 but thats where the driver took me (IT COST $60!!!). I checked in for my VIP and Press passes and got my wristbands. I still had all my stuff so I asked the girls doing the check in where the camping was and they said it was aways back the way I came. The concert website said it was a decent walk to the campground.... I want to meet the psycho that thinks 3 1/2 miles is a decent walk! I had to walk the whole way with my bags... in the rain... it sucked. To make my day even better I got to the campground and the person said that there weren't any opening because they had a fest of their own on Saturday and that the nearest campsite was 2 miles farther from the concert. They manager came out and at first was telling me that I could not stay but as I explained that I had talked to someone on Thursday from the campground and now I was stuck. The lady took pity on me and put me way in the back and showed me how to cut through another private park to get to the concert (it took out about a mile and a half.) I set up the tent and got situated (found out i didn't have a rain cover) so I decided to go back to the concert area. When I got there the girls that were doing check in let me stand under the tent. I sat and talked to them for a while until i herd Demon Hunter practicing their set for Friday nights show so I walked down to the rear of the stage to see if I could sneak a peak at my all time favorite band. It was so cool to stand at the side of the stage and watch them play.. It was so cool. I hung around and just kinda watched them as they were talking with some of the staff. I was wearing my Blessed Resistance t-shirt (its the members only Demon Hunter fan club) and it defiantly paid off. One of the management staff came over and asked if I wanted to meet the band.. I was thinking uhhh DUH! but I just said yes. the guys were really cool and the bassist said that he had to move his car and he had the new CD (which dosn't come out till nov. 8th) he said I could ride with him and we would listen to a couple of tracks I ABOUT LOST MY MIND!!! I of course said yea but I was pretty much in shock... I listened to the first two tracks and let me tell you they were freaking sweet.

I didn't do much until the fest started but i think i will leave that for tomorrow cuz like i said i have so much to write about I am gonna have to write it in at least two blogs (at this rate it looks like 4). I will get on tomorrow night (Tuesday) and write my next part... pics coming soon

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Pray for me please

So as most of you know I have a internet radio show called Straight Up! Talk. I am flying to LA for Cornerstone, CA and I have 6 interviews with bands that are playing there. I am kinda nervous bout that but what I really need prayer for is I am also planning on doing a ton of evangelism down there so I need tons of prayer. I may find some wireless but idk so i doubt I will be able to write until I get back on Monday but i am gonna try to find someone to write for me that way you guys have something to read off here. I will have a ton to write about when I get back cuz Demon hunters playing their only show of 07 and they are debuting some new songs plus like I said I have 6 interviews and I am hoping to get some more impromptu interviews while I am there (I am pretty sure I get a press pass!!)

later guys and please click the widget on the side some of the blogs on there are very interesting (I found one yesterday talking about writing new commandments) not only can you find some cool stuff you also give me a credit for my blog to show up on someone else's blog. You can spread my blog around the world just by clicking a link (sounds like a good deal to me)

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Cool new widget

Hey all If you noticed I got a cool new widget on the side of my blog it gives my blog a view on someone else's page every time you click a link so follow those links and if you want it on your blog click THIS link to add it and every time you add it to your blog I get more referrals and its a free way to promote your blog

Friday, September 21, 2007

Pretty sweet night

So today some of the evangelism team and I went to one of the casinos in town where a Worth the Wait event was being hosted. We went not for the event but to preach the gospel after because WTW can't preach due to the fact they receive federal grants for abstinence teaching (we figured we would complete what they were doing). At first when we got there we were unable to preach because they ushered all the kids inside the event. A gentleman politely said something like ' we like what you are doing but right now the event is going on and there are always people from Planned Parenthood coming to these events to try and tie us to a faith based group then we would lose our funding but once they leave the room at 9 when our event is over they are all yours.' He was a very nice guy but anyways so Joey and i went walking around trying to evangelize in other parts of the casino while two of the girls were in the event. They ended up landing an interview with one of the organizers and all of the rappers they had there. They left the event early to find us and to get ready with questions for the interview and met us by the arcade. While they were writing questions and figuring out how they were going to record it a group of kids (roughly 12 to 16ish) walked by and Joey gave them a million dollar bill. They made some remark about it not being real and just kept walking. I saw this but decided that they were worth another crack because Joey never got to tell them that there was a gospel message on the back. As I went after them i found the bill ripped in half on the floor. picked it up and pulled out a fresh one. I caught up to the group of about 5 or 6 and after a little persistence got 2 to actually hold a conversation with me. their names were Lexi and Ivan. at first Lexi was very self righteous and said that she was catholic and all she had to do was ask for forgiveness while Ivan was just trying to be funny. eventually I got them calm enough to hear the law and they both fell silent very quickly IT WAS AWESOME! They both realized that they were headed for hell and didn't want to go there. I old them the gospel and Lexi seemed to be taking in every word almost like she was taking notes on what she had to do to be saved. Ivan seemed to be thinking about it as well but he didn't seem as convicted by it. (I think its because he said he was a bad person right of while Lexi was proclaiming her own goodness) I gave them one of our evangelism fliers with the church name on it and such and I hope to see them soon. EVERYONE PLEASE PRAY FOR THEM THAT GOD WILL CONTINUE TO CONVICT THEM AND THAT THEY WILL BE SAVED.

Back to the WTW event. So Joey and I went upstairs waiting for the event to end and a lady came up to us and asked us what our Christian beliefs were and come to find out she is the coordinator for Nevada worth the wait and she said that once she herd that we were out here trying to preach the gospel that she had to ask us if we were interested in becoming speakers for worth the wait by going to schools and preaching abstinence while getting paid for it. This lady was very nice and was a christian she said that at first she didn't know how she was going to bring glory to God if she was unable to say his name or the name of Jesus but she soon said that she felt that God was telling her that her job was to do this and He would put people in the kids way that would preach the gospel.

As for the interview you will have to listen to the show we will have it on then sometime in the near future it was some very thought provoking conversation

all in all it was a decent night I preached the gospel to 2 kids who may get saved, I got an offer to become a pubic speaker and make $$ and I got an interview with 2 rappers and a coordinator for another abstinence organization.

goodnight all and don't forget to pray for Lexi and Ivan,

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Is this really what we want to tell kids??

So I was listening to the radio on my way to college and a commercial came on for a new show debuting today. It started off with different teens talking about how they didn't think this girl would come back to the school and then a girls voice said "you slept with my boyfriend, your done here." My thought was wow not another dumb teen drama that approves of fornication same old crap. well folks it gets better! so the same stuff continues for about 15 more seconds then the announcer comes on and says 'this is the show you will be talking about tomorrow and you're no one if your not talked about' and the show is called Gossip Girl. So not only do we have another show that says go have all the sex you can before marriage but now this one tells teens that if you are not the topic of a rumor you are not cool so go out there and Gossip and make sure you become the center of gossip. Since when did we decide its a good idea to have all these teens (primarily girls) wanting to be the focus of a rumor..... things like this make me nervous about having a family of my own in this generation. I am still a few years out from that.... how much worse can it get YIKES!

God Bless,

Saturday, September 15, 2007

the religion of peace??

I was looking through my google reader and stumbled upon this story the headline reads: "Al Qaeda Offers Bounty for Murder if Swedish Cartoonist". At first I just moved on and didn't think anything of it then I remembered a show that aired on CNN called "God Warriors" that was saying Christians and Muslims are the same as far as being "warriors" this got me to thinking last time I herd there is no bounty out for the murder of Kathy Griffin (who said very profane things about Jesus) So I don't understand where people get off saying the Islam is a 'religion of peace' and that Muslims and Christians are the same type of 'God Warrior'. Christians allow/put up with (based on your opinion) blasphemy on a daily basis and do nothing about it but one cartoonist makes a joke about Mohammad its off with the infidels head. I will leave the fact that Christians sit by while blasphemy occurs all around them on another day.

remember Christians that according to Rosie O'Donnell Christianity is the problem in America and according to all Liberals Islam is a religion of Peace (who blew up the twin towers again?)

thought you might find my train of though interesting and everybody remember to tune into my radio show at 3pm pacific at

Friday, September 14, 2007

The Church: Just another marketing organization?

So I was doing homework (on a Friday night lame i know) and I was reading my marketing book and this is what I found "Exchange is the act of obtaining a desired object from someone by offering something in return.... A political candidate, for instance, wants votes, a church wants membership, and a social action group wants idea acceptance." did you catch that?? they lumped the church in between a political candidate and a social action group and all the church wants is membership I am almost surprised they didn't write that a church just wants your money newsflash: we don't need anymore false converts lining our pews we have enough already thanks. what I want and what the church should want is to see people saved. we should want to preach the Gospel and worry about them getting into our church only after they have been born again. I am not saying that we don't want unsaved people in our churches I am simply saying that we should not want someone to come for the sole purpose of repeating a prayer with no repentance in their hear and becoming a member and doing nothing for the kingdom of God except for warming a seat. things like this bother me so much because this is what the world think of the Church as a whole (I am assuming the author is not Christian) this should be a red flag that something has to be done and we need to go out into the streets and instead of handing out flyer's that say come to my church we should first proclaim that all have fallen short and that they need to be saved if not they are going to hell, after that then you can give a church flyer if you like but if all you do is hand the flyer and not preach the gospel what is the point.

I am not sure if that is just a big bad mood peice but hey everyone have a good night and God bless,

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Bin Ladens new hair-do

So i bet most people have seen the new bin laden vid now and if you watched any news coverage they probably poked fun at his beard cuz he died it black. The guy who writes
was on one of the radio show I listen to and he said that black dye is forbidden in Islamic law besides one exception. The one exception is that when they are about wage jihad they are encouraged to dye their beards so they all look younger. the guy said that most people don't know that but a good muslim would so Bin Laden may be sending a signal to some muslims in the US so don;t poke fun be on alert BIN LADEN JUST SENT OUT A SIGNAL OF JIHAD TO MUSLIMS PRAY FOR OUR COUNTRY AND DON'T FORGET TO PRAY FOR OUR SOLDIERS!

God bless and Goodnight,

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

What would you say?

I was lstening to a sermon today by pastor Mark Driscoll of Mars Hill Church and he mad a comment that really made me think. He said that if you ask anyone in a church or a ministry why a church is growing or what the main point of the church or ministry is they should all say the same thing. They all should say the main reson of any ministy or church is Jesus. Jesus should be the main reason of every thing done in a church or by a church. If you ask someone what the main point of their ministry they shouldnt say ' the music is the way I like' or 'the pastor is funny' or many other things that cn be herd in a church. If someone was to ask you why your church or ministry is working what would you say? If the main thing is not to glorify Christ maybe its time to rethink your ministry

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Done with first episode of Straight Up! Talk

so thanks to all those that listened to our radio show live or on podcast. we had a blast!! so to start off we couldn't get our headsets to work right so at the very last min. we had to improvise and go with what worked. so the blog talk intro started then our intro started and then right when it was introducing Gabriel all you heard was 'thank you for using call wave goodbye' Gabriel got hung up on literally seconds before he was supposed to start the show!! I was freakin out. So I jumped in and started the show. over all the show was good we ended up having a lot to talk about. well the show was pretty uneventful because no one called in so we ended and were super excited that our show when off pretty well. I thought everything was taken care of but one of the people that we mentioned (by subject not by name mind you) called me furious that we talked about him well, last time I checked this is a FREE COUNTRY!! and I didn't defame (i think thats the word he used) his name I simply read an email he wrote to me and I stated I dissagreed with his points which I am entitled to do. well this guy hinted that if we used his name (which we didn't) or his ministries name (which he doesn't have registered) that he would pursue legal action. well according to the very brief research I just did there is a different ministry that owns that name so if anyone is breaking the law its this guy. well next week is a show on wimpy Christianity and all the false doctrines out there. I WE TALK ABOUT YOU INDIRECTLY AND YOU GET OFFENDED MAYBE IS CONVICTION THAT YOUR TEACHING FALSE DOCTRINE! well, I guess you'll just have to tune in next week and see what unfolds.

listen to the podcast if you have no idea what i am talking about and tune in next Sunday at 2 PST

God Bless,

evangalizing outreach

so today the evangelism team met to day and went to the sparks theater. one of the shyer youth and I were paired together (she did really well I might add) well anyway, we first talked to a guy named david who at first thought he was saved but we later found out he was baptized once so he thought that counted (which it doesn't) so we went through the ten commandments and when we left he said he would talk to his parents about going to church. next we talked to two girls named ally and jamie. they were both professing Christians but they go to a seeker friendly church (dosnt preach the gospel) so I figured it would be a very good conversation. well i found out these girls believed alot of what i do so i dont understand why they go to such a wimpy church but they were young so maybe their parents like it o well. we also talked to two girls named taylor and alena (a leen a) now these girls were the one that really got me this evening. they were very young and already they have decided there is no God. it took awhile but i finally got taylor to admit that there might be a God she just needs evidence (which means i turned her from an atheist to an agnostic its a step in the right direction) please pray for everyone we talked to but really pray for taylor and alena because they are very lost and they need Jesus. I asked them to listen to our show but you never know.

well its late and I am waking up early for church and to prep for the show so good night and God bless,


Dear Friends & Family,

Hello, we wanted to let you know about a great new live podcast that we are going to be starting tomorrow August 26, 2007 at 2pm PST called "Straight Up! Talk". Our radio show will be based on issues which affect teens in today's world especially in American culture. The show will be suitable for people of all ages, but will be mainly aimed toward younger people in high school and college. We take a conservative Christian viewpoint on the issues which we will be discussing. The topics will include but will not be limited to: abortion, sex, drugs, alcohol, marriage, sin, and music. The technology we are using will allow people to listen live to our podcast and even call in. We would appreciate it if you would tune in tomorrow at 2 p.m.; the address is ( ).

Thank you for your time,

Gabriel Rodriguez
Joey Francis
Anthony Mendoza

Saturday, August 25, 2007


for those of you that know about our talk show (the info on that coming later today) get ready because I have 2 HUGE interviews coming up!!!!!! all I am gonna say is that they are both bands any some of my favorite musicians. I AM SO EXCITED. I have to get all the excitement out now so I can act professional and not freak out! This is a call to all rockers get ready BIG THINGS ARE COMMING

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Awesome night!

I went to the As I Lay Dying concert tonight and jest let me say it was one of the greatest shows i have ever been to!!! I am going to be way sore in the morning though because i was in the moshpit forever and got socked in the jaw. i had a blast that is one of the most energetic bands i have seen play before and I think i picked up a few mic moves lol

Saturday, August 18, 2007

mission accomplished

so if you havnt checked it out we have a youtube channel
and i think we got the atheists going YAY!! you know your doing something right when the atheists get mad because I never see them freaking out about budda you should check it out and write a comment standing up for Christ!

sign of the apocalypse

I'm watching Leno and Michael Moore is on talking about his new movie sicko.... its about the health care system and I cant believe I am saying this but he's right (AHHHHHH!!!!!!!! THE END IS NEAR) our health system sucks. I work in the health insurance industry (kinda) and you have no idea how unbelievably difficult it is to get these private health insurances to pay up. they always have some type of excuse .

well i promised complete randomness and I delivered lol

good night and be careful the end is near a hardcore conservative agreed with a hardcore liberal!!

Friday, August 17, 2007

Great night

tonight was the mens meeting for my church and it was awesome!!! We had a huge steak dinner and then spent a few hours just fellowshipping. it was great. those men inspire me so much. Some of these guys have been in the church for 10+ years and married some married for over 50. I hope and pray that I can be have the man in Christ that these men are. I respect them all. well thats pretty much it on that subject. goodnight

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

evangalizing take 2

so today my friend (his blog HERE) and I went out after work so i could redeem myself and well I would call it a mixed blessing. well we left right after work so we were in dress clothes (not always the best for street evangalizm). Our first thought was to go to the mall, so when we went over there it was pretty intimidating. in this town everyone is on a mission to get their stuff done so as you can imagine no one would even look at us. so we decided to give up on that and go to the river. when we got there there were not a whole lot of people but we decided to give it a shot. we walked around a bit and scoped out the area. now back to my clothes point, when we would approach a person they would look at us funny and walk away. these kids were what the town calls 'river rats' so they were not the most well dressed. I am guessing they we resenting the two guys trying to walk up to them in their nice dress clothes. so we moved on from there and kept walking around the river. we finally got over our fear and found these two young woman and asked them if we could talk to them. Unfortunately, they laughed at us and said no. so we kindly said thanks anyways and kept going. if you have never evangalized before you have no idea how hard it is to ask the first person to talk. so once we got that over with even though they said no we felt better and kept going. I wish I could end this nicely but once we finally got our courage up all the people that we could talk to had gone. some may consider this a failure but the way I look at it at least we gave 2 people the opportunity to hear the gospel.

well I have rambled enough so take care and God Bless

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Hot august wimp

So last wednesday me and a friend went to look at cars and we showed up early inorder to evangalize. well acually he wanted to evangalize. I was just not feeling it. I let the day get to me I guess I turned evangilizm into a chore and another job instead of somthing I should delight in doing. My friend tried to excite me and every thing but I just wasn't having it. In his blog, my friend mentioned a reference in Matthew when Jesus told Peter 'get thee behind me Satan' He wasn't calling Peter Satan but what He meant was that Peter was letting the fear (a non Godly trait) of losing Jesus get to him therefore he was allowing himself to be used by Satan. the moral of this story is to not let yourself get in the way of your ministry be it evangelizing or anything else.

I have learned my lesson and i hope my experience helps someone else

My friends blog is HERE
Christian Blog Topsites