Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Look, I pulled Jesus out of a hat!

Tia over at Abandon Image wrote a blog on 'showmen' (TV preachers) that parade the name of Jesus around like some sort of magic trick. I cannot stand how these "pastors" can suck the life out of the Gospel to such a degree that all it is useful for is praying to get rich and famous. The story of the Rich young man (Matt. 19:16-25) shows that riches are not always a blessing but can be ones downfall. Why would a person want to give people what the Bible says complicates a persons Salvation. These preachers love money not Christ. Tia also points out that we are all guilty of using the name of Jesus as a way to get what we want. I know I haven't asked for a BMW or a million dollars but I have asked for jobs to work out and such. I am learning now that rather than praying for things to go the way we want them (riches, fame, ect...), we should be praying for Gods will in situations no matter what it be. It may be that a job is lost and while searching for jobs you have to put faith in God for Him to provide. I know that sounds contrary to what a certain smiling southerner would tell you but rather than focusing on living your best life now we should focus on living our lives for Christ.

God bless,

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