Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Some call it tolerant.... I call it Heresy

I was browsing around the net and thanks to my friend at The Fire of New Desire, I found a video about some churches in Brooklyn that have accepted Homosexuals into their churches. That seems to be the cry of many churches today in an ongoing effort to make everyone feel good while ignoring the Bible. I am sorry if I offend you (not really) but, if you didn't know already homosexuality is against the Bible and is a sin and it is utter heresy to say otherwise. People simply sweep this under the rug by saying that there are errors in the Bible. Well, there are no errors in the Bible as it is the true, inspired word of God. There is no other book like It (sorry Islam, ect.) and we need no other book than It (sorry Mormons). If you are in a church that says there is nothing wrong with homosexuality, RUN FAR, FAR AWAY!!!!!

Homosexuality is a sin like lying, stealing and such. With repentance (asking for forgiveness and turning away from your sin) and trust in Christ a person who is in sin through homosexuality can be forgiven just like a thief and lier can be forgiven.

It is not tolerant to tell homosexuals that it is ok. I am told all the time that I hate gay people because I say that what they do is wrong but in reality, the people that let them sin are the ones that hate homosexuals. I love gay people enough to be ridiculed and to stand up to save them.

If you think that homosexuality is ok, it is time to think and pray really hard be cause you my friend, are sinning and helping others do so. show that you really love gay people by standing up and helping bring them out of sin.

God bless,


Anonymous said...

Good Post! Homosexuality is a sin. Most people, like you said, think that Christians hate homosexuals. This is a lie! We are just stating that it is a sin to live in a state of homosexuality. It is wrong! I will not ever support a church which accepts homosexuality, much like I will never support a church that supports murderers, liars, and one that is unbliblical!


Friar Don Pratt said...

Homosexuality is NOT a sin. Nor is it a moral defect, character defect or other malady.

If you were a true believer in Jesus and the Bible...you'd look at it's history and authors. Indeed NO WHERE in the Bible does it describe homosexuality as a sin...at least not until those with an ax to grind mis-translated certain words from the Greek to refer to same-sex acts.

God bless you.


Anonymous said...


How do you know they misinterpreted the Greek? It seems to me that their would have been a lot of people out to get the homosexuals if the Bible was intentionally translated wrong. Their are tons of different versions of the Bible and they all say the same things about homosexuality... Unless of course someone else has created a Bible with false translations within it. Have you ever read the ESV it is pretty much the most accurate translation out right now. And I am sure you have, but read Romans 1. How could a God who is sovereign allow every version of His Bible to be mutilated by man? I am sorry, but saying that the Bible is translated falsely seems like a cop out answer to me. If that were true then I don't think we would need to believe anything the Bible had to say, because it would all be subject to being false...


Anonymous said...

Actually, it's not so much about a mistranslation as it is culture codes that are not understood by most Christians these days. Instead of actually studying the scriptures properly, they will accept any bigot's interpretation so that they don't have to think on their own.

Anyone with a brain can follow it easily enough. It just goes to show that most Christians aren't interested in thinking but damning others based on the bigotry of someone else. It's sad to see such ignorance as this and a very horrible feeling to realize how many young people are blinded by the poor scholarship of my generation.

Anonymous said...

Cultural codes? I don't think that is true. What about the city of Sodom...? Why did God feel that they were so wicked? Homosexuality is not spoken bad of only one time in Bible, or spoken bad of at one time period either. If this were the instance then it may be a cultural thing, but there are several accts. of the Bible placing homosexuality in they category of sin, and not all of them are by Paul. So this means it was not just a cultural thing. And I don't feel we are damning people, but trying to save them. Because since the word of God is our truth, and it does say that homosexuality is a sin I am going to let people who claim to be Christians and who are also falling to this sin that it is a sin and they will go to Hell unless they repent of it.

Anthony said...

Joey, Not only is the word of God our truth. It is THE TRUTH. Mark, thank you for your comment. Let say homosexuality is not a sin (which it is but humor me for a sec. At the very least, homosexuality is fornication since there is no gay marrage and that is sin (unless your throwing that part out of the Bible as well).

God bless,

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