Sunday, December 23, 2007

Abortion is murder?

I recently read a news article on a man that has been arrested for murder of an unborn child after slipping his lover a birth control pill in her drink and causing two miscarriages. The actual charge is called "attempted first-degree intentional homicide of an unborn child"...... I find it amusing in a sick sort of way that this man is being sent to prison for what the state says is a womans right. Its just a mass of cells according to them.

This just drives me nuts! Why is it that if a man causes the baby to die its murder but its not of the mother does.... its her right as a woman. NEWS FLASH...... its still murder either way you slice it. If the mother has an abortion, Its murder and if someone else causes the baby to die, its murder as well.

I am not going to hold back any punches. If I offended you by saying that abortion is murder then.... I am not sorry because it is so deal with it. People need to make up their mind, you cannot choose whether a baby is human or not when it is convenient to you. When is this gonna end?

God bless,


Tia Lynn said...

Just out of curiousity, how far along was the pregnant women?

Anthony said...


Both times she miscarried between two and four months along.

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