Monday, October 15, 2007

There is no "I" in God

This has been on my heart for a while now but it wasn't until just now that I found the words I was looking for:

I listen to a Christian radio show all the time and they always play clips of these emergent people always talking about the way God makes them feel and its always "I feel that God...." and "I think that God...". Talk like this always bothers me but i wasn't sure why. I finally figured it out! A good rule of thumb in my opinion is that as soon as you hear "I fell God...." or "I think God..." it should be a good indicator to be weary of what is about to be said. Nowhere in the Bible does it say to take the word of God and tailor it to your emotions. The question should never be what I think God is or God makes me fell like it should be what does the word of God say and what is God speaking to me through His word. now don't get me wrong, I am not saying that you can't ever have an opinion about the things of God but as soon as you start having an opinion about what God is and if you let that take precedence of what the word says He is you are in a sticky situation!

This is just my word of caution to every one to be on the look out for theology's like this where they let their emotions (part of the flesh) run things rather than having faith and looking to God and His word for the truth and guidance.

Good night and God bless,

1 comment:

daveescaped said...


I was more than a little disgusted at your post on regarding Mitt Romney. I thought I'd post my comments here as well in case you missed them. Regards,


"To those who say they would rather not vote than vote for a Mormon, I say perfect. Such people are obviously incapable of the demands of citizenship and we are all better off not having them cast a vote. In fact please deposit your voter ID card in the nearest trash receptacle and abstain from all future elections.

Thankfully I think we'll find this is a minority, even among Evangelicals.

What "logic" drives some Evangelicals to proclaim their faith the best yet have such great fear of what they believe to be a flawed faith? How can that work?

Ultimately what is legitimizing the LDS faith is the fact that it always has been legitimate. Mitt or no Mitt, when people get to know the LDS, they find it self-evident that these people are Christians and nothing to fear.

More importantly, Mormons are already on your PTA's, coach your kids in soccer, police your streets, defend your nation, are mayors of your cities, etc. To those who oppose Romney's campaign, do you also oppose Mormons on all these other fronts? Certainly Mormons have influence in these areas as well. As you can see, such "logic" can create a pretty slippery slope. As a Mormon, would you oppose having me in any aspect of public life? If so would you enact laws to keep me from such roles? Perhaps we should even put tattoos on each Mormon so we can easily identify them? Then you won't even have to have a Mormon wait on you or teach your children. Where does it stop?

Those who posted here that they would never vote for someone only because he is a Mormon should be called what they are. Bigots -- pure and simple.

And Evangelicals might want to question why polls show this to be a feature especially prevalent in their faith."

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