Thursday, December 6, 2007

Do I have to say it again? Mormons are not Christian!

I previously wrote a blog called: "Don't Let Politics take Higher importance than Christ" in which I stated some reasons why Mormons are not Christians. Christian Post wrote about Romney's recent speech about Mormonism and as usual, I just had to comment. Here are all the comments:

"Along with many Christian evangelicals, the Southern Baptist Convention does not consider Mormonism to be part of historic orthodox Christianity." Neither do Mormons. Mormons believe Jesus is the Christ and worship him. We don't claim to be like the historic Christians because of theological differences. We never have. But we are Christians. Our worship of Christ makes us so. Historic Christians claim to be the sole authority on who is and who isn't. They say real Christians must not only worship Christ they must adhere to a 4th century notions of the nature of God. Mormons disagree. So, after the agreement about Jesus being the son of God, we pretty much separate on a lot things. I could go into details of other things but won't. But we generally agree on other values.


If I take a box of Kleenex and call it Jesus does it mean I am a Christian?? just because you call you your god Jesus does not mean he is the same as Christianity. You are not Christian. Christ never changes (see Hebrews 13:8) therefore the original thoughts on God are still for today.

"after the agreement about Jesus being the son of God, we pretty much separate on a lot things" you and I don't even agree on that! you believe that Jesus is a created being while I believe that Christ is God in the flesh and is 100% God and 100% man and 1 of 3 parts of the Trinity.

Just because you claim to be a Christian does not mean you are:

Matthew 24:24 For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect—if that were possible.

2 Peter 2:1
But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them—bringing swift destruction on themselves.

God bless,

What could Romney have said more that would not bury him in a never-ending discussion of his religion, rather than the issues he needs to address as a candidate for the U.S. Presidency? Mr Bennett, a good Catholic that you are (other than on gambling), what did you want to hear that Governor Romney could have said AND still remain a viable candidate for president?

Why is it that the founders forbad a "religious test" in the Constitution, but anti-Mormons think to circumvent this with a "religious test' of one's voting Constituency? Apparently, either the pundits think the constitution is wrong, or they simply want to get Mitt mired in an eternally endless discussion of where and what in Mormonism differs in and from 'traditional Christianity'.

Entering such a discussion for a candidate for this office amounts to a "religious test". Are you all for pharisaically forcing the issue? You don't want to really know about "Mormonism". You rather want to embarass and embroil Matt Romney in a protracted back-and-forth explanation of teachings and practices (current and past) of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints to make Mitt and Mormonism look heretical, weird and wrong.

What did Mitt (or, for that matter, what does 'Mormonism') say about Jesus Christ that conflicts with the Bible?
Answer me on this, and I will answer you!

How can Jesus Christ be "the Savior of Mankind" and not have been fully God and fully man? How can anyone except God Himself be suficient in redeeming the sins of the world?


The difference between the Christ of the Bible and the Jesus of LDS church is that while The bible says that God and Christ are Eternal the LDS church states that both are created beings and that god was like man is at one point and mankind can become like god. Did I answer your question??

God bless,
please feel free to add your comments and I will add any other comments posted on Christian Post on here.

God bless,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Agree with you. Check out my post here:

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