Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Is this really what we want to tell kids??

So I was listening to the radio on my way to college and a commercial came on for a new show debuting today. It started off with different teens talking about how they didn't think this girl would come back to the school and then a girls voice said "you slept with my boyfriend, your done here." My thought was wow not another dumb teen drama that approves of fornication same old crap. well folks it gets better! so the same stuff continues for about 15 more seconds then the announcer comes on and says 'this is the show you will be talking about tomorrow and you're no one if your not talked about' and the show is called Gossip Girl. So not only do we have another show that says go have all the sex you can before marriage but now this one tells teens that if you are not the topic of a rumor you are not cool so go out there and Gossip and make sure you become the center of gossip. Since when did we decide its a good idea to have all these teens (primarily girls) wanting to be the focus of a rumor..... things like this make me nervous about having a family of my own in this generation. I am still a few years out from that.... how much worse can it get YIKES!

God Bless,

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