Friday, September 14, 2007

The Church: Just another marketing organization?

So I was doing homework (on a Friday night lame i know) and I was reading my marketing book and this is what I found "Exchange is the act of obtaining a desired object from someone by offering something in return.... A political candidate, for instance, wants votes, a church wants membership, and a social action group wants idea acceptance." did you catch that?? they lumped the church in between a political candidate and a social action group and all the church wants is membership I am almost surprised they didn't write that a church just wants your money newsflash: we don't need anymore false converts lining our pews we have enough already thanks. what I want and what the church should want is to see people saved. we should want to preach the Gospel and worry about them getting into our church only after they have been born again. I am not saying that we don't want unsaved people in our churches I am simply saying that we should not want someone to come for the sole purpose of repeating a prayer with no repentance in their hear and becoming a member and doing nothing for the kingdom of God except for warming a seat. things like this bother me so much because this is what the world think of the Church as a whole (I am assuming the author is not Christian) this should be a red flag that something has to be done and we need to go out into the streets and instead of handing out flyer's that say come to my church we should first proclaim that all have fallen short and that they need to be saved if not they are going to hell, after that then you can give a church flyer if you like but if all you do is hand the flyer and not preach the gospel what is the point.

I am not sure if that is just a big bad mood peice but hey everyone have a good night and God bless,

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