Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Pray for me please

So as most of you know I have a internet radio show called Straight Up! Talk. I am flying to LA for Cornerstone, CA and I have 6 interviews with bands that are playing there. I am kinda nervous bout that but what I really need prayer for is I am also planning on doing a ton of evangelism down there so I need tons of prayer. I may find some wireless but idk so i doubt I will be able to write until I get back on Monday but i am gonna try to find someone to write for me that way you guys have something to read off here. I will have a ton to write about when I get back cuz Demon hunters playing their only show of 07 and they are debuting some new songs plus like I said I have 6 interviews and I am hoping to get some more impromptu interviews while I am there (I am pretty sure I get a press pass!!)

later guys and please click the widget on the side some of the blogs on there are very interesting (I found one yesterday talking about writing new commandments) not only can you find some cool stuff you also give me a credit for my blog to show up on someone else's blog. You can spread my blog around the world just by clicking a link (sounds like a good deal to me)

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Cool new widget

Hey all If you noticed I got a cool new widget on the side of my blog it gives my blog a view on someone else's page every time you click a link so follow those links and if you want it on your blog click THIS link to add it and every time you add it to your blog I get more referrals and its a free way to promote your blog

Friday, September 21, 2007

Pretty sweet night

So today some of the evangelism team and I went to one of the casinos in town where a Worth the Wait event was being hosted. We went not for the event but to preach the gospel after because WTW can't preach due to the fact they receive federal grants for abstinence teaching (we figured we would complete what they were doing). At first when we got there we were unable to preach because they ushered all the kids inside the event. A gentleman politely said something like ' we like what you are doing but right now the event is going on and there are always people from Planned Parenthood coming to these events to try and tie us to a faith based group then we would lose our funding but once they leave the room at 9 when our event is over they are all yours.' He was a very nice guy but anyways so Joey and i went walking around trying to evangelize in other parts of the casino while two of the girls were in the event. They ended up landing an interview with one of the organizers and all of the rappers they had there. They left the event early to find us and to get ready with questions for the interview and met us by the arcade. While they were writing questions and figuring out how they were going to record it a group of kids (roughly 12 to 16ish) walked by and Joey gave them a million dollar bill. They made some remark about it not being real and just kept walking. I saw this but decided that they were worth another crack because Joey never got to tell them that there was a gospel message on the back. As I went after them i found the bill ripped in half on the floor. picked it up and pulled out a fresh one. I caught up to the group of about 5 or 6 and after a little persistence got 2 to actually hold a conversation with me. their names were Lexi and Ivan. at first Lexi was very self righteous and said that she was catholic and all she had to do was ask for forgiveness while Ivan was just trying to be funny. eventually I got them calm enough to hear the law and they both fell silent very quickly IT WAS AWESOME! They both realized that they were headed for hell and didn't want to go there. I old them the gospel and Lexi seemed to be taking in every word almost like she was taking notes on what she had to do to be saved. Ivan seemed to be thinking about it as well but he didn't seem as convicted by it. (I think its because he said he was a bad person right of while Lexi was proclaiming her own goodness) I gave them one of our evangelism fliers with the church name on it and such and I hope to see them soon. EVERYONE PLEASE PRAY FOR THEM THAT GOD WILL CONTINUE TO CONVICT THEM AND THAT THEY WILL BE SAVED.

Back to the WTW event. So Joey and I went upstairs waiting for the event to end and a lady came up to us and asked us what our Christian beliefs were and come to find out she is the coordinator for Nevada worth the wait and she said that once she herd that we were out here trying to preach the gospel that she had to ask us if we were interested in becoming speakers for worth the wait by going to schools and preaching abstinence while getting paid for it. This lady was very nice and was a christian she said that at first she didn't know how she was going to bring glory to God if she was unable to say his name or the name of Jesus but she soon said that she felt that God was telling her that her job was to do this and He would put people in the kids way that would preach the gospel.

As for the interview you will have to listen to the show we will have it on then sometime in the near future it was some very thought provoking conversation

all in all it was a decent night I preached the gospel to 2 kids who may get saved, I got an offer to become a pubic speaker and make $$ and I got an interview with 2 rappers and a coordinator for another abstinence organization.

goodnight all and don't forget to pray for Lexi and Ivan,

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Is this really what we want to tell kids??

So I was listening to the radio on my way to college and a commercial came on for a new show debuting today. It started off with different teens talking about how they didn't think this girl would come back to the school and then a girls voice said "you slept with my boyfriend, your done here." My thought was wow not another dumb teen drama that approves of fornication same old crap. well folks it gets better! so the same stuff continues for about 15 more seconds then the announcer comes on and says 'this is the show you will be talking about tomorrow and you're no one if your not talked about' and the show is called Gossip Girl. So not only do we have another show that says go have all the sex you can before marriage but now this one tells teens that if you are not the topic of a rumor you are not cool so go out there and Gossip and make sure you become the center of gossip. Since when did we decide its a good idea to have all these teens (primarily girls) wanting to be the focus of a rumor..... things like this make me nervous about having a family of my own in this generation. I am still a few years out from that.... how much worse can it get YIKES!

God Bless,

Saturday, September 15, 2007

the religion of peace??

I was looking through my google reader and stumbled upon this story the headline reads: "Al Qaeda Offers Bounty for Murder if Swedish Cartoonist". At first I just moved on and didn't think anything of it then I remembered a show that aired on CNN called "God Warriors" that was saying Christians and Muslims are the same as far as being "warriors" this got me to thinking last time I herd there is no bounty out for the murder of Kathy Griffin (who said very profane things about Jesus) So I don't understand where people get off saying the Islam is a 'religion of peace' and that Muslims and Christians are the same type of 'God Warrior'. Christians allow/put up with (based on your opinion) blasphemy on a daily basis and do nothing about it but one cartoonist makes a joke about Mohammad its off with the infidels head. I will leave the fact that Christians sit by while blasphemy occurs all around them on another day.

remember Christians that according to Rosie O'Donnell Christianity is the problem in America and according to all Liberals Islam is a religion of Peace (who blew up the twin towers again?)

thought you might find my train of though interesting and everybody remember to tune into my radio show at 3pm pacific at

Friday, September 14, 2007

The Church: Just another marketing organization?

So I was doing homework (on a Friday night lame i know) and I was reading my marketing book and this is what I found "Exchange is the act of obtaining a desired object from someone by offering something in return.... A political candidate, for instance, wants votes, a church wants membership, and a social action group wants idea acceptance." did you catch that?? they lumped the church in between a political candidate and a social action group and all the church wants is membership I am almost surprised they didn't write that a church just wants your money newsflash: we don't need anymore false converts lining our pews we have enough already thanks. what I want and what the church should want is to see people saved. we should want to preach the Gospel and worry about them getting into our church only after they have been born again. I am not saying that we don't want unsaved people in our churches I am simply saying that we should not want someone to come for the sole purpose of repeating a prayer with no repentance in their hear and becoming a member and doing nothing for the kingdom of God except for warming a seat. things like this bother me so much because this is what the world think of the Church as a whole (I am assuming the author is not Christian) this should be a red flag that something has to be done and we need to go out into the streets and instead of handing out flyer's that say come to my church we should first proclaim that all have fallen short and that they need to be saved if not they are going to hell, after that then you can give a church flyer if you like but if all you do is hand the flyer and not preach the gospel what is the point.

I am not sure if that is just a big bad mood peice but hey everyone have a good night and God bless,

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Bin Ladens new hair-do

So i bet most people have seen the new bin laden vid now and if you watched any news coverage they probably poked fun at his beard cuz he died it black. The guy who writes
was on one of the radio show I listen to and he said that black dye is forbidden in Islamic law besides one exception. The one exception is that when they are about wage jihad they are encouraged to dye their beards so they all look younger. the guy said that most people don't know that but a good muslim would so Bin Laden may be sending a signal to some muslims in the US so don;t poke fun be on alert BIN LADEN JUST SENT OUT A SIGNAL OF JIHAD TO MUSLIMS PRAY FOR OUR COUNTRY AND DON'T FORGET TO PRAY FOR OUR SOLDIERS!

God bless and Goodnight,

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

What would you say?

I was lstening to a sermon today by pastor Mark Driscoll of Mars Hill Church and he mad a comment that really made me think. He said that if you ask anyone in a church or a ministry why a church is growing or what the main point of the church or ministry is they should all say the same thing. They all should say the main reson of any ministy or church is Jesus. Jesus should be the main reason of every thing done in a church or by a church. If you ask someone what the main point of their ministry they shouldnt say ' the music is the way I like' or 'the pastor is funny' or many other things that cn be herd in a church. If someone was to ask you why your church or ministry is working what would you say? If the main thing is not to glorify Christ maybe its time to rethink your ministry
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