Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Bin Ladens new hair-do

So i bet most people have seen the new bin laden vid now and if you watched any news coverage they probably poked fun at his beard cuz he died it black. The guy who writes
was on one of the radio show I listen to and he said that black dye is forbidden in Islamic law besides one exception. The one exception is that when they are about wage jihad they are encouraged to dye their beards so they all look younger. the guy said that most people don't know that but a good muslim would so Bin Laden may be sending a signal to some muslims in the US so don;t poke fun be on alert BIN LADEN JUST SENT OUT A SIGNAL OF JIHAD TO MUSLIMS PRAY FOR OUR COUNTRY AND DON'T FORGET TO PRAY FOR OUR SOLDIERS!

God bless and Goodnight,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is some scary stuff. I'm down to fight!


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