Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Unite for Purity

I received a comment on my recent post and began to reply in the form of a comment but as you can see below, it turned into something longer than what could go in a comment form. This is in response to Nicks' comment as well as extra thoughts. :

I understand your point but the main objective of my post was not so much the topic of girls getting 4 weeks off (I agree they should have a way to graduate) as much the fact that instead of worrying about how to help pregnant girls, parents should be trying to teach purity.

I am in no way condemning pregnant girls as that I commend their courage for their decision to raise their child. I was attempting to show that instead of trying to fix things by assisting the mothers(while it is good), our society should be focused on trying to stop the high amount (and apparent approval of) fornication among teen-aged kids.

I realize that some parents are against this behavior and I applaud them for their efforts, but society as a whole seems to show that this type of conduct is acceptable and this needs to be changed. Parents and students who believe in purity should unite in order to change this society.
As teenagers, we should no longer consume the high amount of sexual perversion in the form of movies, TV, music and even advertisements ( I recently saw sex used to sell red bull and pizza). If this generation were to stand against the current marketing schemes, advertisers, producers and record labels would be forced to change their current practices. As for our friends who do not choose purity, we should tell them about their sin and share the Gospel.

As parents, you should support your child and continue to teach the importance of purity and Christ. I realize that I am not a parent but I think that parents should stand with their children that choose purity. As for the children that choose not to follow purity, parents should stand strong and attempt to monitor their child's activity. I realize this is easier said than done but if parents stand strong it could help.

I do not have the answers or do I claim to have them but I know something has to be changed in this society. I apologize if I offended anyone by anything I said. I was attempting to make a point

God bless,

PS. Be sure to Check out the girls over at Purity: Fully Clothed. They have made purity their mission.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

K that is a better way of explaining it. I wasn't offended, just in awe of why you said those points, because it sounded more like you were pinning the school, not the purity part.

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