Thursday, January 3, 2008

Hollywood: America's Idol

Like any other person in the world, I always look at the magazine covers on the racks at the grocery store. This got me to wondering why our society is so obsessed with celebrity. Do we really care how Brittney screwed up this time or what is going on with the latest celebrity couple? We have to know whats going on to make our lives seem less horrible and instead of dealing with our problems we deal with Hollywood's'. If you didn't know, the way that American society views Hollywood is extreme idolatry, Rather than studying Gods' word we would prefer to rush out and find out if Lindsey Lohan is still sober. I recently posted a clip from Mark Driscoll about idolatry and its worth another listen.

What do you put first, Christ of the newest 'it' girl? Lets tell Hollywood to shape up and we need to focus on our lives and walk with Jesus.

God bless,

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